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Tag: NCAs

EU Court Narrows Scope of the De Minimis Principle

Cormac Little, Jul 15, 2013 A recent court decision has significantly narrowed the application of the de minimis principle under EU competition rules. In late 2012,...

A Review of the Competition Law Implications of the Treaty on...

Norman Neyrinck, Nicolas Petit, Jan 07, 2011 Most competition lawyers tend to view the entry into force of the Treaty on the Functioning of the...

The Luxembourg Competition Law

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Daniel Becker, Jun 15, 2009 Till the end of 2004, prices of products and...

EC Competition Law vs. Greek Competition Law: Conscious Parallelism or Unconscious...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Lia Vitzilaiou, George Zohios, Jun 13, 2009 On April 30, 2009, one day before...

Commission Guidance Paper on the Application of Art. 82: A Step...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle George Zohios, Feb 05, 2009 While recognizing the need for a general reform of...

Private Actions in EC Competition Law

Renato Nazzini, Ali Nikpay, Nov 01, 2008 The paper considers the case for reform of the system of private actions in the European Union. In...
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