


Regulating Africa’s Digital Markets: What to Do, and What Not to Do

By Folakunmi Pinheiro1 I. Introduction Earlier this year, the African Union passed the Protocol on Competition Policy to the Agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade...

Brazilian Competition Policy in 2022: A Year with Lasting Impacts

By Ademir Antonio Pereira Jr., Yan Villela Vieira & Gabriel de Aguiar Tajra1 This article discusses key developments in Brazilian Competition Policy in 2022. Here, we present a short review...

Commitment Decisions: An Overview of the Turkish Competition Authority’s Enforcement

By Neyzar Ünübol1   In June of 2020, a new commitment procedure was first introduced to Turkish legislation as part of Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition (the “Competition...

Happy Birthday, ICN

By Eleanor Fox1   Happy Birthday, ICN, from a fan who knew you when. But don’t lie on laurels bed. You have lots of work ahead. It is a pleasure to wish the ICN a...

Key Lessons from the Rise of Antitrust Enforcement in South-East Asia

By Elsa Chen, Scott Clements & Daren Shiau1   I. Antitrust Laws in South-East Asia The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or “ASEAN,” comprises ten Member States: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao...

A Competition Law for Shaping the Future of the Indian Economy: Competition Commission of...

By Dr. Sangeeta Verma1   It may seem obvious and trite that fair and competitive markets are essential for economic growth. Competition is recognized as a...

Loosening the Hold of Big Tech on the Cloud: Can the Market (and a Merger) Help?

By Allen P. Grunes1   Businesses continue to migrate IT functions to the cloud at a rapid pace. One estimate predicts cloud services will grow by...

The ACCC’s Ongoing Digital Platforms Services Inquiry: Social Media Services

By Jacqueline Downes, Melissa Camp, & Dominic Page1 I. Introduction In its latest report in the ACCC's ongoing Digital Platforms Services Inquiry 2020-2025 (DPSI),2 the Australian regulator has found that Meta...


Executives Indicted, But Will the Companies Follow? The Increasingly Aggressive Focus on...

By Lisa M. Phelan, Joseph Charles Folio III, & Samuel Pollock-Bernard* In 2020, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division indicted 10 corporate executives in the broiler chicken industry before...

IEEE’s Efforts to Placate its Adversaries By Making Minor Changes to Its...

By Emily Luken & James Tierney1   The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ (“IEEE”) recent updates to its Patent Policy for standards development, while substantively modest, have injected unnecessary...

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