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A Competition Law for Africa: Vision for AfCFTA

A Competition Law for Africa: Vision for AfCFTA

By Eleanor M. Fox1   Negotiations are on a fast track for a competition protocol for the African continent. What should be the design?  This is...
Tackling the Winds of Change: Market Studies on Emerging Competition Issues

Tackling the Winds of Change: Market Studies on Emerging Competition Issues

By Patricia Bascunana-Ambros & Renato Ferrandi1   I. What Are “Emerging Competition Issues” Emerging competition issues (or risks to competition) can be described as scenarios in which...

The Implementation of the Digital Markets Act with National Antitrust Laws

The December 2020 Commission proposal for a Digital Markets Act (“DMA”) reached a compromised text with the Council and the Parliament on March 24,...
Vertical puzzle

Vertical Mergers: A Multi-jurisdictional Comparison

By Michael Blaisdell (Federal Trade Commission)1   Across the international competition community, vertical mergers are receiving considerable attention. CPI dedicated a Chronicle issue to the topic...
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council to empower the competition authorities of the Member States to be more effective enforcers and to ensure the proper functioning of the internal market (“ECN Plus Directive”)

Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council to...

January 2019 CPI EU News Column edited by Thibault Schrepel, Sam Sadden & Jan Roth (CPI) presents: Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council to...
shake hands

Bundling Behavior in Telecoms: What Firms Do and How European Competition...

By Agustín Díaz-Pinés & João Vareda - In this article, the authors discuss the reasons why firms in the telecoms sector bundle and the impact on...

How the National Competition Authorities’ Decisions Fed Into the Modernization of...

Liza Bellulo, Umberto Berkani, Valerie Meunier, Jun 30, 2010 On April 20, 2010, The European Commission adopted a new Block Exemption Regulation on vertical restraints...

Judicial Review in EC Competition Law: Reflections on the Role of...

Bo Vesterdorf, Sep 01, 2005 This paper sets out personal reflections on the role of the judiciary within a primarily administrative system of enforcement of...

Private Enforcement Under EU law: Abuse of Dominance and the Quantification...

Frank Maier-Rigaud, Ulrich Schwalbe, Nov 27, 2013 Damages caused by violations of Article 101 and 102 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union are viewed...

National Competition Authorities in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom: Resources,...

Pierre-Andr Buigues, Roderick Meiklejohn, Aug 26, 2013 Rather than adopting an econometric approach based on a large number of countries, what this paper proposes is...
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