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Tag: Market Power

Merger Review of Firms in Financial Distress

Ken Heyer, Sheldon Kimmel, Nov 01, 2009 In recessions, we expect to see an increase in both the number and share of mergers where at...

Article 82 Guidance: A Closer Look at the Analytical Framework and...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Axel Gutermuth, Feb 05, 2009 The new Guidance Paper on the European Commission's enforcement...

Antitrust Legislation and Policy in a Global Economic Crisis A Canadian...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle George Addy, Anita Banicevic, Mark Katz, Dec 15, 2008 As the global economic crisis...

From the Editor: Autumn 2008

Over 90 percent of antitrust litigation in the United States is filed by private plaintiffs, sometimes as class actions, and always seeking treble damages....

The Lawful Acquisition and Exercise of Monopoly Power and Its Implications...

David Evans, Keith Hylton, Nov 01, 2008 The antitrust laws of the United States have, from their inception, allowed firms to acquire significant market power,...

Competition Policy in Hong Kong: Present Conditions and Future Prospects

Mark Williams, Nov 05, 2007 Hong Kong has a reputation for being a free and open economy. Historically, the government has maintained that the economic...

Law and the Future: Trade Regulation (1956)

Nov 05, 2007 Originally published in the Northwestern University Law Review, Vol. 51, No. 281, 1956. Reprinted with special permission of Northwestern University School of...

Illinois Tool Works v. Independent Ink

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Joshua Wright, Jan 25, 2007 The contractual arrangement in Independent Ink is a classic...

Illinois Tool Works v. Independent Ink: A Lawyer’s Take on Ending...

Richard Taranto, Nov 01, 2006 The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Illinois Tool Works, Inc. v. Independent Ink, Inc., holds that a plaintiff, when asserting...
Loyalty Rebates – A Corporate Counsel Guide

Loyalty Rebates: An Assessment of Competition Concerns and a Proposed Structured...

David Spector, Sep 01, 2005 Like most pricing practices, loyalty rebates may benefit or harm consumers according to the circumstances. This paper reviews the pro-competitive...
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