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Tag: Market Power

German Regulator Says Deutsche Bahn Is “Abusing Its Market Power”

According to Germany's cartel office, state rail operator Deutsche Bahn has been found to be in violation of antitrust laws and is required to...

German Antitrust Regulator Probes Microsoft’s Market Power

The antitrust authority in Germany has initiated an investigation of Microsoft to evaluate its market influence, which may result in regulatory action against the...
1-Fragile Giants: Reassessing Market Power In Platform Ecosystems By Jonathan M. Barnett

Fragile Giants: Reassessing Market Power in Platform Ecosystems

It is widely assumed that platform technology markets are inherently prone to monopoly outcomes in which a single firm or a handful of firms...
4-How To Approach The Calculation Of Overcharge By Multisided Platforms By Rosa M. Abrantes-Metz & Albert D. Metz

How to Approach the Calculation of Overcharge by Multisided Platforms

The recent AMEX decision has introduced the economics of “multisided platforms,” “transaction platforms,” “indirect network effects,” and “two-sided analysis” into antitrust analysis. As is...
Misuse of Market Power in Australia: Early Assessment of the Amended Section 46 of the Competition and Consumer Act

Misuse of Market Power in Australia: Early Assessment of the Amended...

By Mel Marquis & Rhonda Smith1   I. Introduction In the nearly 50-year saga of modern Australian competition law, the section relating to the misuse of market...

Understanding Market Power

By Nicolas Petit (European University Institute) Antitrust laws are concerned with controlling market power. In the course of history, the development of antitrust systems of...
4- Regulating Digital Platforms: Business Models Technology Architectures and Governance Rules

Regulating Digital Platforms: Business Models, Technology Architectures, and Governance Rules

In recent years, digital platforms like Facebook, Apple iOS and the Amazon Marketplace have grown so big that they have attracted a lot of...
6- Platform Regulation Taking Stock of Lessons from the Media Sector By Konstantina Bania

Platform Regulation: Taking Stock of Lessons from the Media Sector

Over the past few years, online platforms have almost monopolized discussions in legal and policy circles. Various initiatives have recently culminated in legislative proposals....
Merger Control Implementation Remedies Ecuador

Merger Control and the Implementation of Remedies in Ecuador: A Case...

By Luis Marin-Tobar1   Introduction Ecuador is close to reaching the ten-year anniversary of its first domestic competition law, the “Organic Law for the Regulation and Control...

Thailand Publishes New Unfair Trade Practice Guidelines

The Office of the Trade Competition Commission (OTCC) has recently opened a public hearing on the draft new unfair trade practice (section 57) guideline...
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