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Tag: Market Power

Use and Misuse of Empirical Methods in the Economics of Antitrust

Dennis Carlton, Mar 14, 2011 The application of economics to issues involving competition policy has always required a mixture of economic theory and empirical analysis....

You Better Watch Out, You Better Not Cry: China’s Emerging Approach...

Martyn Huckerby, Sharon Wong, Nov 18, 2010 Since the introduction of the Anti-Monopoly Law ("AML") in 2008 outside observers and investors in China have been...

The Framework of the 2010 Horizontal Merger Guidelines

Paul Denis, Oct 28, 2010 The two principal reasons that the 1992 Horizontal Merger Guidelines achieved longevity, judicial acceptance, and international imitation were: (1) for...

Competition Law Reform in Mexico: A Note on Joint Dominance

Victor Pavon-Villamayor, Jul 14, 2010 On April 30, 2010, the Mexican Congress approved a long-awaited set of reforms to the Federal Competition Law ("FCL").The reform...

The CREA Abuse of Dominance Case: Competition Bureau Challenges Organized Real...

Steve Szentesi, Aug 31, 2010 On February 8, 2010, the Canadian Competition Bureau (the "Bureau") filed an abuse of dominance application against one of Canada's...

New Kids on the Block: Retailer-driven Vertical Practices and the New...

Ioannis Lianos, Jul 07, 2010 By integrating more fully the retailer power story, the new vertical restraints guidelines and block exemption regulation provide for a...

Market Definition: Use and Abuse

Dennis Carlton, Apr 19, 2007 Market definition is a crude though sometimes useful tool for identifying market power. The ambiguity in what analysts mean by...

Transgenic Seed: The High Technology Test of Antitrust?

Diana Moss, Apr 29, 2010 The recent flurry of publicity in transgenic (also known as genetically modified or "GM") seed reveals a broader controversy over...

The Undead? A Comment on Professor Elhauge’s Paper

Paul Seabright, Paul Seabright, Nov 11, 2009 Professor Einer Elhauge has written a paper whose title (Tying, Bundled Discounts, and the Death of the Single...

No Single Monopoly Profit, No Single Policy Prescription?

Harry First, Nov 01, 2009 Professor Einer Elhauge´s most recent article, Tying, Bundled Discounts, and the Death of the Single Monopoly Profit Theory, begins with...
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