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Tag: Market Power

Network Neutrality or Minimum Quality? Barking Up the Wrong Tree and...

Timothy Brennan, Mar 29, 2012 U.S. telecommunications regulation has long been characterized by contentious disputes. Pricing, subsidies, and legal authority to regulate have certainly been...

Solving Net Neutrality: Regulation, Antitrust, Or More Competition

Gerald Faulhaber, Mar 29, 2012 Since net neutrality first appeared in policy debates, its meaning has been less than crystal clear. Some advocates have argued...

Net Neutrality in the United States and Europe

Jan Kramer, Christof Weinhardt, Lukas Wiewiorra, Mar 29, 2012 The Net Neutrality ("NN") movement essentially believes that the traditions of the internet ecosystem should not...

Brands, Consumer Protection, and Antitrust Why China is Special

Jenny Huang, David Stallibrass, Jan 25, 2012 From China's first and only decision to block a merger, involving the purchase of the Huiyuan juice brand...

Competition and Governance: Minority Shareholdings in Small Countries

Sean Ennis, Jan 10, 2012 Competition and good governance are closely related. When competition law and corporate governance intersect, it is important to be sure...

Use and Misuse of Empirical Methods in the Economics of Antitrust,...

Dennis Carlton, Mar 14, 2011 The application of economics to issues involving competition policy has always required a mixture of economic theory and empirical analysis....

Intellectual Property Rights Protection Versus Antitrust: Tug of War?

Alexander Kurdin, Andrey Shastitko, Dec 13, 2011 In this paper we consider the relationship between antitrust policy and intellectual property protection under the condition of...

Margin Squeeze in Mexican Mobile Telecommunications

Victor Pavon-Villamayor, Aug 30, 2011 On April 7th 2011, the Mexican Competition Commission ("CFC") imposed a historic fine against TELCEL, the largest mobile operator in...

The Unilateral Conduct Working Group: You be the Judge – Scrutinizing...

Cynthia Lewis Lagdameo, Charles Webb, Jul 14, 2011 Pricing has never been more complex for companies operating across national borders. In addition to considerations arising...

Margin of Error: The Flawed Paradigm in the New Merger Guidelines

Michael Baumann, Paul Godek, Mar 14, 2011 The U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ") and the Federal Trade Commission ("FTC"), the two federal agencies that review...
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