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Tag: Market Power

Merger Enforcement in U.S. Food Industry Markets

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Logan Breed, Wesley Carson, Jun 30, 2014 During the Obama Administration, the U.S. competition...

Antitrust and the Grocery/Food Sector in New Zealand

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Andrew Matthews, Gus Stewart, Jun 30, 2014 Antitrust issues are very much alive in...

Market Power in the Credit Rating Industry: State of Play and...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Bertrand Candelon, Axel Gautier, Nicolas Petit, Jan 28, 2014 In recent years, the Credit...

Tied and True Exclusion: Comment on Jean Tirole’s “The Analysis of...

Barry Nalebuff, Apr 01, 2005 The takeaway point of Tirole’s excellent primer is that tying, while potentially exclusionary, does not deserve special treatment. This commentary...

Bundling and Tying: Should Regulators Use the Per Se Approach or...

Sonia Di Giannatale, Alexander Elbittar, Dec 20, 2012 A firm that practices tying in the United States can be committing a per se violation of...

Tying and Consumer Harm

Daniel Crane, Dec 20, 2012 Brantley raises important issues of law, economics, and policy about tying arrangements. Under current legal principles, Brantley was on solid...

Competition, Standards, and Patents

Per Hellstrom, Thomas Kramler, Oct 01, 2012 The interface of competition, standards, and patents has received increased attention over the past few years, in particular...

Law and the Future: Trade Regulation (1956) (reprint)

Jun 19, 2012 Originally published in the Northwestern University Law Review, Vol. 51, No. 281, 1956. Reprinted with special permission of Northwestern University School of...

Network Neutrality & Antitrust

Kevin Coates, Mar 30, 2012 The concern underlying the network neutrality debate is that owners of consumer broadband data networks-initially wired networks, but now also...

Traffic Management: The Respective Roles of Competition Law and Regulation

Frank Maier-Rigaud, Mar 30, 2012 The internet traffic prioritization, traffic management, or network neutrality debate (however it is labeled) fundamentally centers on the question of...
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