Mel Marquis

Dr Marquis, acting Associate Dean (Engagement) at Monash University. He is an internationally recognised scholar in the field of competition law and policy. His new book, to be published by Cambridge University Press later this year, is Confucian Culture and Competition Law in East Asia (416 pp, written with Jingyuan Ma).

Prior to joining Monash he taught law for 10 years at universities in Italy. He has lectured and taught law courses in many countries especially in Europe and Asia. Prior to his academic career he practiced law in the United States and Belgium.

He was Part-time Professor of Law at the European University Institute (Florence) from 2011 to 2019, and Contract Professor at the Free University of Rome (LUMSA) from 2012 to 2019. He was Contract Professor at the University of Verona from 2008 to 2014. He has been a Chair Professor, Visiting Professor or Visiting Scholar at Renmin University (Beijing), the Central University of Finance and Economics (Bejing), Doshisha University (Kyoto) and the University of Melbourne.

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