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The ACCC’s Ongoing Digital Platforms Inquiry: Choice Screens and the ACCC’s...

By Jacqueline Downes & Melissa Camp1   I. Introduction This piece builds on our previous articles2 covering the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's (“ACCC”) examination of developments...
Australia’s Digital Platform Inquiry: We’ve Only Just Begun

Australia’s Digital Platform Inquiry: We’ve Only Just Begun…

BBetween 2017-2019 the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission conducted a “world first” inquiry into digital platforms and their impact on media and advertising services...
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The Limits of Australia’s Digital Platforms Inquiry

By Dirk Auer (International Center for Law and Economics)1 In July of 2019, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (“ACCC”) concluded its high-profile 1.5-year investigation...

Australia: ACCC reports “holistic, dynamic reforms needed” to address digital platforms

On Friday, July 26, the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) posted the final report of its Digital Platforms Inquiry. The report contains 23 recommendations,...

Media Plurality: Under the Skin of Control – Concept, Context, and...

Antonio Bavasso, Dec 20, 2012 The concept of media plurality has achieved a remarkable degree of prominence recently, particularly in the United Kingdom and more...
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