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Tag: Horizontal Merger Guidelines

The 2010 Merger Guidelines: Do We Need Them? Are They All...

Gregory Leonard, Oct 28, 2010 The release of the 2010 Merger Guidelines was largely an anticlimax. Unlike the 1982 and 1992 Merger Guidelines, the 2010...

Thy Lamp Unto the World: International Convergence After the 2010 Guidelines

Oct 28, 2010 Those of us who practice competition law globally and who engage in international technical assistance are regularly struck by the wide variation...

Market Definition in Grocery Retailing: The Whole Foods Case

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Jordi Gual, Sandra Jódar-Rosell, Sep 01, 2008 As in many other antitrust cases, the...

Mario Monti’s Legacy in EC Merger Control

Nicholas Levy, Apr 01, 2005 Mario Monti's tenure as EC Commissioner for competition policy between September 1999 and November 2004 coincided with one of the...
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