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Tag: Horizontal Merger Guidelines

2-New Merger Guidelines Should Keep The Consumer Welfare Standard By Mark Israel, Jonathan Orszag & Jeremy Sandford

New Merger Guidelines Should Keep the Consumer Welfare Standard

Recent statements by the heads of the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice suggest that new merger guidelines may replace the tried-and-tested consumer...
4-Treating Like Cases Alike: The Need For Consistency In The Forthcoming Merger Guidelines By Keith Klovers, Alexandra Keck & Allison Simkins

Treating Like Cases Alike: The Need for Consistency in the Forthcoming...

The U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission are expected to release new merger guidelines soon. Among other requirements, the Agencies should strive...
Is Concentration Actually Increasing, or Are We Just Defining Markets More Narrowly?

Is Concentration Actually Increasing, or Are We Just Defining Markets More...

By Keith Klovers* & Robert Kulick**   In a recent notice requesting public comment on potential changes to merger enforcement, including revisions to the Horizontal Merger...
Using the Horizontal Merger Guidelines to Evaluate Labor Market Effects of Mergers By Courtney Dyer, Courtney Byrd & Laura Kaufmann

Using the Horizontal Merger Guidelines to Evaluate Labor Market Effects of...

For a number of years, the U.S. antitrust agencies have been signaling an increased focus on antitrust enforcement in labor markets. In addition, there...

Applying Critical Loss for Market Definition in Merger Analysis: Do Court...

By Malcolm B. Coate & Shawn W. Ulrick (U.S. Federal Trade Commission), John M. Yun (George Mason University) Critical loss analysis is an empirical tool...
A Proposed Pro-Labor Step for Antitrust

A Proposed Pro-Labor Step for Antitrust

By Russell Pittman1 & Chris Sagers2   Decades of aggressive mergers and acquisitions have concentrated markets, which can impose serious harm, including to the workers whose...

Assessing Innovation Effects in US Merger Policy: Theory, Practice, Recent Discussions,...

Posted by Social Science Research Network Assessing Innovation Effects in US Merger Policy: Theory, Practice, Recent Discussions, and Perspectives By Wolfgang Kerber & Benjamin René Kern...


In this issue: In August, the FTC and DOJ issued their new horizontal merger guidelines. In this special double issue, we explore if these new...

Margin of Error: The Flawed Paradigm in the New Merger Guidelines

Michael Baumann, Paul Godek, Mar 14, 2011 The U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ") and the Federal Trade Commission ("FTC"), the two federal agencies that review...

The 2010 Merger Guidelines and the Litigation Mulligan: Better Economics but...

Hill Wellford, Gregory Wells, Oct 28, 2010 The new Horizontal Merger Guidelines, issued by the U.S. antitrust Agencies on August 19, 2010, mark a clear...
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