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Tag: European Court of Justice

The ECJ’s Paccar Ruling: A Welcome Clarification

The ECJ’s Paccar Ruling: A Welcome Clarification of the Concept of...

By Marc Barennes, Bas Braeken, Demi van den Berg,1 and Simon Lelouche,2   On 10 November 2022, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“ECJ”)...
European Court of Justice

ECJ Throws Out Food Packaging Cartel Appeal

The European Court of Justice dismissed the appeal by Italmobiliare against the General Court's judgment upholding the fine imposed by the European Commission for...
2021 ECJ Antitrust Horizons – Selected Key Evolutions and Developments

2021 ECJ Antitrust Horizons – Selected Key Evolutions and Developments

In 2021, EU antitrust horizons will be wide and enthralling: EU competition law and the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European...

Change To The Judicial Activities Of The Court Of Justice As...

Owing to the unprecedented health crisis that we are currently experiencing, the Court of Justice is obliged temporarily to change its working arrangements. Judicial activity...

ECJ Appoints New Advocate General

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has appointed a new advocate general after a French magistrate died suddenly last year. Jean Richard de la Tour...

Germany: Telecom regulator head going after Google, Facebook

Jochen Homann, the president of Germany’s telecom regulator Bundesnetzagentur, is going after Google and Facebook, contending that their messaging and email services should face...

EU: ECJ favors luxury brands in Coty judgement

The European Court of Justice, the court of last resort in the EU, has ruled that luxury good makers may ban the sale of...

EU: Court of Justice rules on exemptions from competition law for...

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled that concerted practices by agricultural producer organisations can be exempted from competition law, but considered the...

Schneider Electric Damages Judgment: A New Era in EC Merger Control?

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Juan Rodriguez, Aug 06, 2007 The judgment of the Court of First Instance (CFI)...
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