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Interpreting Competition in Interlocking Directorates: Why The 1990 Amendments may Exclude...

Consistent with the Biden administration's push for vigorous antitrust law enforcement, enforcers have begun to employ Section 8 to target interlocking directorates.  Upon closer...
5-SECTION 8 INTERLOCKS: MANAGING INCREASING ENFORCEMENT CHALLENGES By William H. Rooney, Wesley R. Powell, Jeffrey B. Korn, Agathe M. Richard, E. Claire Brunner & Colin J. Lee

Section 8 Interlocks: Managing Increasing Enforcement Challenges

Section 8 of the Clayton Act prohibits interlocking directorates and officerships in various circumstances. In recent months, the Department of Justice has said that...

How to Bake Cybersecurity Regulations: Ingredients for Better Results

In most countries and economic sectors, organizations have traditionally faced few cybersecurity regulations. However, as the cybersecurity threat has worsened and the dependence on...

Regulating Cybersecurity

With the increasing dependence of our societies on computer systems and the Internet, and the explosion of so-called "smart" and connected devices, cybersecurity is...
Robinson-Patman Redux: A Visit to Falls City

Robinson-Patman Redux: A Visit to Falls City

By Richard M. Steuer1   The Robinson-Patman Act is attracting growing attention as a tonic for small businesses. Created during the Great Depression, the Act has...
india flag

Trends in Gun-Jumping: CCI on a Gun-Jumping Spree

By Anisha Chand & Siddharth Bagul1   With the expansion of the Indian economy, and as corporate transactions come back to pre-Covid levels, the Indian competition...
5-Ending Monopolization Via Mergers: How And Why To Restore Legislative Intent Behind The U.s. Anti-Merger Laws By Ron Knox

Ending Monopolization Via Mergers: How and Why to Restore Legislative Intent...

Mergers have been a persistent tactic by which powerful companies grow their power and monopolize markets. In passing and amending the Clayton Act, Congress...
8-Protecting Competition To Innovate Is Protecting Competition In Future Markets: Ten Law Review Articles Leave No Doubt By Lawrence B. Landman

Protecting Competition to Innovate is Protecting Competition in Future Markets: Ten...

For at least the last 30 years the American and European competition authorities have claimed they can protect competition to innovate. The authorities have...
Antitrust Chronicle - White Collar Defense - February 2023

Antitrust Chronicle® – White Collar Defense

Dear Readers, Competition authorities worldwide investigate and prosecute antitrust infringements criminally.  The U.S. Department of Justice, in particular, has famously imposed substantial fines and prison...
1-Remediation, Compliance, And Restitution Under The New Leniency Policy By Richard Powers & Alison Goldman

Remediation, Compliance, and Restitution Under The New Leniency Policy

In April 2022, the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice announced revisions to its leniency policy which incentivizes voluntary self-disclosure of criminal...
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