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Tag: Digital Economy

Insights on Taiwan Digital Economy White Paper

Insights on Taiwan Digital Economy White Paper

By Yvonne Hsieh, Erica Chiu, & Alex Chu1   1. In the Era of Digital Economy With the increasing awareness of the competition issues arising from the...
4-Tearing Down Walled Gardens: Encouraging Adversarial Interoperability to Promote Competition by Luke Hogg

Tearing Down Walled Gardens: Encouraging Adversarial Interoperability to Promote Competition

The concentration of the Internet economy behind the walled gardens of a select few companies has led policymakers across the political spectrum to call...
Abuse of Superior Bargaining Position in Digital Markets: A Way forward for India

Abuse of Superior Bargaining Position in Digital Markets: A Way forward...

By Priyanshi1   The digital economy has transformed the way economic activities were conducted and its distinctive features have prompted major legislative and regulatory initiatives...

Antitrust Regulation Insight: China’s Digital Platforms’ New Phase

By Bing Chen & Xiaou Fu1   The digital economy is rapidly growing across the world. While it greatly freed up and optimized the allocation...
1-CPI TALKS… with Phil Weiser

CPI TALKS… with Phil Weiser

In this edition of CPI Talks, we have the pleasure of presenting an interview with Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser. Is there a new drive...

The New Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China: Changes...

By Wei HAN & Liang LI*   On June 24, 2022, China passed the amended Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter the “Anti-Monopoly...
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