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The Google Book Settlement & the Uncertain Future of Copyright

Gina Durham, Debbie Rosenbaum, Jun 22, 2011 In March of this year, the District Court for the Southern District of New York rejected the proposed settlement...

Google Books: Game and Set to the Sceptics; the Match Continues

Ian Forrester, Jun 22, 2011 There is no doubt that the grand idea of scanning millions of books and making them available to the world's...

Using a Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut: Why China’s Anti-Monopoly Law...

Angela Zhang, May 20, 2011 On December 18, 2009, Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People's Court issued a ruling in favor of Baidu, Inc., a leading search...

The linkLine Decision: Section 2 Gets Squeezed Further

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Scott Martin, Apr 15, 2009 Though antitrust cases have appeared with surprising frequency on...

A Civil Conflict: Can the States Overturn Leegin?

Leiv Blad, Bryan Killian, Jan 07, 2011 Overturning a 96-year-old rule, the United States Supreme Court held in Leegin that minimum resale price maintenance (“RPM”)...

The Intel Cases”Legal Convergence or Leaps of Faith?

Kent Bernard, Jan 06, 2011 Intel has managed to find itself in the cross-hairs of the antitrust authorities in Brussels and in Washington D.C.It is...

India Competition Commission Steeled by the Supreme Court

Abdullah Hussain, Nov 17, 2010 In September 2010, the Supreme Court of India handed down an eagerly awaited judgment that cleared the way for the...

Legal Privilege or Legal Inconvenience? Some Reflections on the Last Judgment...

Angela Laghezza, Sep 30, 2010 This article analyzes the concept of Legal Professional Privilege ("LPP") in EU through the lenses of the Akzo case. It...

Antitrust Enforcement in Argentina Under Stricter Judicial Scrutiny

Julian Pena, Jul 14, 2010 In the past couple of years, the courts have become increasingly stricter when reviewing decisions taken by the antitrust authorities...

The Supreme Court Invalidates State Restriction on Federal Class Actions in...

Daniel Crane, Aidan Synnott, Aug 10, 2010 The United States Supreme Court recently held that Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23 trumps a state rule...
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