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GOODBYE Excessive Prices… as a Competition Law Infringement in Argentina

GOODBYE Excessive Prices… as a Competition Law Infringement in Argentina

By Esteban Greco & María Fernanda Viecens1   On February 23, 2023, Argentina’s Supreme Court upheld a decision that struck down the first and only sanction...

Antitrust Developments in Argentina

By Julián Peña & Federico Rossi (Allende & Brea)1   Antitrust enforcement in Argentina has been going through changes in recent times and has continued to...

Argentina: Government announces “Commercial Loyalty” strategy against monopolies

The Ministry of Domestic Trade of Argentina announced that it will launch a new regime of 'Commercial Loyalty' in order to prevent abuse or...

Argentina: Esperan supermercados nuevo plan de Precios Cuidados

El Presidente de Argentina, Mauricio Macri, anunciará el miércoles la ampliación del programa “Precios Cuidados”, que determinará los productos y precios de consumo alcanzados...

Argentina: Antitrust regulator to probe steel company Acindar

Argentina's antitrust regulator, the CNDC, announced on Tuesday, August 7, it will launch a probe into whether steel company Acindar had abused its dominant...
CPI Talks: Interview with Esteban Greco, Head of the Argentinian Competition Authority

CPI Talks: Interview with Esteban Greco, Head of the Argentinian Competition...

By CPI - A new era of Argentinian competition enforcement is underway with a new head of agency, new staff and new policies. Mr. Greco tells...

Transition and Transformations in Latin American Competition Law and Policy: An...

Daniel Sokol, Jul 14, 2010 Last year, Eleanor Fox and I published Latin American Competition Law and Policy. We attempted to fill a gap by...

Antitrust Enforcement in Argentina Under Stricter Judicial Scrutiny

Julian Pena, Jul 14, 2010 In the past couple of years, the courts have become increasingly stricter when reviewing decisions taken by the antitrust authorities...
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