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Transition and Transformations in Latin American Competition Law and Policy: An...

Daniel Sokol, Jul 14, 2010 Last year, Eleanor Fox and I published Latin American Competition Law and Policy. We attempted to fill a gap by...

2003-2010: Brazil’s Anti-Cartel Effort”What’s Next?

Ana Paula Martinez, Jul 14, 2010 According to the OECD 2010 Competition Law & Policy in Brazil-A Peer Review, "Brazil's anti-cartel programme is now widely...

Recent Developments in Brazilian Competition Law and Policy

Paulo Leonardo Casagrande, Caio Mario da Silva Pereira Neto, Jul 14, 2010 Nowadays, Brazil is considered an increasingly sophisticated jurisdiction in competition law matters. The...

Recent Developments in Brazilian Merger Control: The Case of Private Equity...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Jun 13, 2009 In spite of the worldwide financial crisis, the industry of private...
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