Greater Cooperation Among Competition Agencies in Latin America (2)

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Julian Pena, Dec 31, 2014

The past decade has shown an increasingly greater level of cooperation among competition agencies in Latin America. This increase in the level of interactivity among Latin American enforcers has played a key role in the fostering of competition law in the region and the strong network developed will certainly be a relevant tool for the competition agencies to overcome the different challenges they face in the enforcement of their laws. Such growing interconnection should be followed closely by those doing business in the region since there are already different sectors that have received a similar treatment in various Latin American countries because of the cooperation among competition enforcers of the region.

The increase in the levels of cooperation among Latin American competition agencies in the past decade has been true in at least three levels: i) intense regional fora, ii) within the framework of trade agreements, and iii) through a growing number of bilateral agreements. The purpose of this paper is to reflect how these three levels have developed and continue to do so.