WomenAT Launches In South Africa: Connecting And Empowering Women Professionals

By: (African Antitrust)

On 6 July 2023, WomenAT, a platform dedicated to connecting and promoting women professionals worldwide, will be launching in South Africa. This launch event signifies a significant milestone for WomenAT as it extends its mission to empower women professionals in the field of competition policy and regulation. A noteworthy aspect of the event will be a panel discussion focused on the role of competition policy and regulation in South Africa’s challenging economic landscape. Esteemed facilitator Yasmin Carrim will lead the discussion, accompanied by industry experts who will offer valuable insights.

Initially introduced in Brussels in 2016, W@Competition drew inspiration from the city’s rich antitrust policy heritage. Since then, it has effectively established national branches across Europe, including France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, and the UK. The organization has also expanded its influence with regional branches in the CEE, Iberia, and Nordic regions. In the Americas, the Washington DC branch caters to women antitrust professionals in the United States, Canada, Central America, and South America…