White House Calls Google, Microsoft CEOs To AI Meeting

High-level representatives from major technology companies, such as Google, Microsoft, OpenAI, and Anthropic, will convene with Vice President Kamala Harris and other senior officials from the Biden administration to address urgent concerns regarding artificial intelligence (AI).

The White House confirmed the meeting and stated that President Joe Biden expects companies to prioritize the safety of their products before making them available to the public.

There are concerns regarding the rapid advancement of AI technology, specifically related to privacy, bias, and the potential spread of fraudulent information.

In April, US President Joe Biden acknowledged the uncertainty surrounding the dangers of AI, but emphasized the importance of technology companies ensuring the safety of their products. He also highlighted the negative impact powerful technologies, such as social media, can have without proper safeguards.

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As concerns over the impact of AI on national security and education grow, the administration has been actively seeking public comments on proposed accountability measures for AI systems. Recently, deputies from the White House Domestic Policy Council and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy issued a blog post warning about the serious risks that AI can pose to workers.