Watch the FTC’s Hearing #3 on Multi-Sided Platforms-Day 3

The FTC Hearings on Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century continued on Wednesday  October 17, with panels focused on issues related to Understanding Exclusionary Conduct in Cases Involving Multi-Sided Platforms: Predatory Pricing, Vertical Restraints, and MFN. The following panel spoke on Understanding Exclusionary Conduct in Cases Involving Multi-Sided Platforms: Issues Related to Vertically Integrated Platforms. The hearings concluded with  a panel on Nascent Competition: Economic Incentives and Business Strategies of Tech Firms. The day ended with remarks by Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg.

 Understanding Exclusionary Conduct in Cases Involving Multi-Sided Platforms: Predatory Pricing, Vertical Restraints, and MFN


Nascent Competition: Economic Incentives and Business Strategies of Tech Firms


Nascent Competition: Are Current Levels of Enforcement Appropriate?


Nascent Competition: Investigation and Litigation Considerations


Remarks by Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg