
Vestager Says Alitalia Must Make Clean Break

European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager told ANSA Thursday, July 2, that the newly nationalized Alitalia must make a clean break with its past in order to qualify for State support.

“The economic discontinuity must be real,” she said, after which “we will assess whether it is really a new activity.” 

Vestager can either clear the aid or order Alitalia to repay it, a move which could lead the company close to bankruptcy. 

EU antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager said on Thursday that her investigation into millions of euros in aid granted by Italy to its flag carrier Alitalia was “quite advanced.”

Earlier this year Vestager had warned that companies in economic difficulty before the crisis shouldn’t get subsidies intended to help firms suffering as a result of the pandemic. But they can avail from some compensation for damage received during the crisis and anticipated damages.

Full Content: Centre for Aviation

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