US: Trump’s FCC stops review of AT&T and Verizon

There’s a new sheriff in town at the Federal Communications Commission and he just gave AT&T and Verizon a big pass.

The FCC said Friday it would end its inquiry into the companies’ so-called zero-rating offers that allow customers to watch video from certain applications from their mobile devices without it counting against their monthly data caps.

AT&T lets its wireless customers stream its $35 a month DirecTV video service over the AT&Twireless network without counting that data against their monthly data caps. Verizon lets customers stream its Go90 video service and doesn’t charge for data usage.

The news comes as the new chairman, Ajit Pai, who was appointed last week by President Donald Trump, begins taking measures to dismantle policies adopted by the Democrats under the previous administration. The controversial 2015 net neutrality rules, which now treats broadband service like a public utility, are expected to be on the chopping block, among other controversial policies, such as expansion for the Lifeline program, which provides subsidies for broadband and phone service to low-income families.

In a statement, Pai said the zero-rated plans offered by these companies have been popular with consumers.

“Going forward, the Federal Communications Commission will not focus on denying Americans free data,” he said. “Instead, we will concentrate on expanding broadband deployment and encouraging innovative service offerings.”

Full Content: CNET

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