US: Senate Dems seek ‘close’ scrutiny of T-Mobile-Sprint

Some US Senate Democrats have told the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that they have serious concerns about the proposed T-Mobile-Sprint merger, reported The Hill. The Senators worry that the deal could hurt wireless consumers.

Senator Amy Klobuchar led a group of six Democrats along with Senator Bernie Sanders, in a letter to the DOJ’s Antitrust Division and the FCC, warning of the potential dangers of the US$26 billion deal.

“As more than three-quarters of American adults now own smartphones, including many who depend on these devices for their primary connection to the internet, an anticompetitive acquisition in the wireless market could result in higher prices for American consumers or force some people to forego their internet connection altogether,” the senators wrote.

The signatories to the letter were among the most outspoken critics of media consolidation in general, including Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, both from Massachusetts, Senator. Amy Klobuchar (Democrat – Minnesota) and Bernie Sanders (the Vermont independent who caucuses with the Democrats).

They did not say they opposed the deal, but they spelled out the reasons they thought it needed close scrutiny.

Full Content: The Hill

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