US: Senate confirms full slate of new FTC Commissioners

Five Federal Trade Commission (FTC) nominees, three Republicans and two Democrats, were unanimously confirmed by the US Senate on April 26.

Joseph Simons, an antitrust attorney who will serve as chairman, led the FTC’s Bureau of Competition under President George W. Bush, The Hill reports .

The Senate also confirmed Noah Phillips, chief counsel for Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (Republican – Texas), and Christine Wilson, a Delta Air Lines executive, for two Republican Party seats.

Rohit Chopra, who served as former assistant director and student loan ombudsman at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, will fill an open Democrat seat. Democrat Rebecca Slaughter, an aide to US Senator Chuck Schumer (Democrat – New York), was also confirmed.

After four years on the commission, Terrell McSweeny resigned effective April 28, ACA International previously reported.

FTC Acting Chairman Maureen Ohlhausen has been nominated by President Donald Trump to serve as a judge on the US Court of Federal Claims.

“I congratulate Joe, as well as Noah, Rebecca, and Rohit on their Senate confirmations,” Ohlhausen said in a press statement on the Senate confirmations . “I look forward to welcoming them to the Commission once their appointments are made final by President Trump. I also congratulate Christine, who will take my seat if I am so fortunate as to be confirmed by the Senate as a Judge on the US Court of Federal Claims.”

Pending President Trump’s approval, the FTC will be operating at full capacity for the first time since he took office.

Full Content: The Hill

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