US: Schumer aide closer to FTC confirmation

The Senate Commerce Committee has unanimously approved the nomination of Rebecca Slaughter to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and Committee chairman John Thune (Republican, South Dakota) said he hoped the full senate could approve the new full FTC slate as early as next week.

The other four nominees, Joseph Simons (chairman), Noah Joshua Phillips, Christine Wilson, and Rohit Chopra were already reported favorably by the committee February 28.

Slaughter has been a long-term staffer for Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (Democrat, New York). The FTC nomination is actually a Presidential pick and tradition since the Clinton Administration has been to defer picks for seats not from the President’s party to the leader of the other party.

Slaughter was counsel and eventually chief counsel to Schumer, dealing with issues including consumer protection, patent trolls, privacy, and intellectual property.

Full Content: Reuters

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