US: Republican Hawley welcomes joining Ocasio-Cortez in challenging big tech

Missouri’s new senator, conservative Republican Josh Hawley, said Tuesday he would be amenable to working with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on a mutual probe of the power and policies of big social media companies like Google and Facebook.

Hawley, R-Mo., said Tuesday he and Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., had not discussed joining together. But each has separately raised concerns about the power and influence and the personal privacy policies of social media companies lijke Microsoft, Facebook and Google. Hawley has said he would use his position on the Senate Judiciary Committee for anti-trust and other probes.

Ocasio-Cortez, whose defeat of incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley in a Democratic primary in the Bronx, New York, last year has gotten her uncommon attention for a House freshman, this week criticized Google, Facebook and Microsoft for sponsoring a conference that include a panel questioning global climate change.

Full Content: Houston Herald

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