US Prosecutors Move To Drop Libor Case Against

Prosecutors requested that the criminal charges against two former Societe Generale SA bankers accused of attempting to manipulate the London interbank offered rate be dropped in a New York court on Wednesday. Muriel Bescond and Danielle Sindzingre, who held positions at Societe Generale SA’s Treasury desk in Paris, were charged in 2017 for submitting inaccurate Libor reports during 2010 and 2011.

US Attorney Breon Peace did not give reasons in the motion asking a judge in New York state’s Long Island to dismiss the case.

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Bescond’s attorney Laurence Shtasel said “she looks forward to being relieved of this burden and moving forward with her professional life.”

Peace’s spokesperson declined to comment. A spokesman for the Department of Justice’s Washington-based Fraud Section, which led the Libor prosecutions, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.