US: PayPal buys Hyperwallet

It’s a deal that hits some of the most important payment-related hotspots: Online marketplaces. Localized currencies. Global payout services. The gig economy. Expanded eCommerce ecosystems.

The deal announced late Tuesday (June 19), the one where PayPal buys Hyperwallet for $400 million, not only creates a company that will have significantly increased power in all facets of online retailing, but also adds end-to-end payments strength that promises to develop in ways not yet considered. That’s according to Juan Benitez, the general manager of PayPal-owned payment processor Braintree, during an interview late Tuesday with Karen Webster.

The view from his seat on Tuesday was a PayPal that is “powering all the capabilities in the eCommerce ecosystem, a company with amazing service, an amazing end-to-end payments company” with a lucrative API.

Full Content: PYMNTS

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