US: Maureen Ohlhausen says she’ll keep her seat at the FTC

Maureen Ohlhausen, a Republican, says she’ll keep her seat on the five-person commission until either she gets the federal judgeship Trump promised her or serves out her term, which expires in September, reported Politico. That leaves her successor, Delta Air Lines executive Christine Wilson, waiting in the wings, potentially for months.

Wilson, who already quit her corporate job in February in anticipation of serving in the government, was unanimously confirmed by the Senate last week as part of a full complement of five new FTC commissioners, meant to give the agency a clean slate under Trump.

An FTC spokesperson said that Ohlhausen has made plain all along that her plan is to stick it out in the job until her term expires on September 25, unless her court seat comes through first.

Ohlhausen, a Republican nominee of President Barack Obama, was named acting chairman when Trump took office. For months, she appeared eager to get the job on a permanent basis. But the possibility of serving as full chairman disappeared when, in October, Trump picked Joe Simons, a Washington antitrust attorney, to serve in that role.

Full Content: Politico

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