US: Judge blocks radioactive waste merger

On Wednesday a federal judge blocked the proposed merger of Dallas, Texas, based Waste Control Specialists and its biggest rival, Energy Solutions.

Judge Sue L. Robinson agreed with the federal government’s arguments that the deal would violate antitrust law. The complaint pointed out that a merger would combine the only two commercial low-level radioactive waste disposal facilities for 36 states.

Andrew Finch, acting assistant attorney general of the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division, said in a written statement, “Substantial evidence showed that head-to-head competition between EnergySolutions and Waste Control Specialists led to better disposal services at lower prices… Today’s decision protects competition in an industry that is incredibly difficult to enter. While EnergySolutions’ preference was to buy its main rival rather than continue to compete to win business, today’s decision ensures that customers will benefit from the competitive process.”

Environmentalists have opposed Waste Control Specialists’ plans for several reasons, including concerns that the temporary storage of a few decades could become permanent. Additionally, if the site were only temporary, groups have said there are additional risks to moving the waste twice.

The US Attorney General officially sued in November to stop the deal.

Full Content: Dallas News

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