US: FCC chief unveils plan to scrap Obama-era internet rules

The head of the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday released a 58-page draft plan to reverse the landmark 2015 “net neutrality” order and disclosed the agency may withdraw “bright line” rules barring internet companies from blocking, throttling or giving “fast lanes” to some websites.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, named by Trump in January, disclosed his intent Wednesday to repeal the Obama era rules that reclassified internet service and tightly regulated providers as if they were utilities.

The FCC also plans to scrap the 2015 internet conduct standard and an ombudsman position created to hear complaints of net neutrality violations. The plan asks if network disclosure requirements should remain in force for internet providers.

Pai’s plan faces an initial May 18 vote. He wants public comment on whether the FCC should keep its “bright line” rules, and said his decision on the rules would depend partly on the comments the agency receives.

Websites such as Facebook, Alphabet and others back the rules, saying they guarantee equal access to the internet. Internet service providers such as AT&T, Verizon Communications and Comcast oppose the Obama order, saying they made it harder to manage internet traffic and discouraged investment in improving access.

Full Content: Fox News

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