US: Boeing to invest $20M in space venture

According to the Financial Times, aerospace company Boeing announced on Tuesday, October 8, that it is set to invest US$20 million Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic when the company goes public later this year, beginning what the two sides claim would be a new collaboration in the scramble for space tourism.

“This is the beginning of an important collaboration for the future of air and space travel, which are the natural next steps for our human spaceflight program,” Virgin Galactic founder Sir Richard Branson said in a statement. “Virgin Galactic and Boeing share a vision of opening access to the world and space, to more people in safe and environmentally responsible ways.”

Boeing is already involved in space exploration and is a main contractor for Nasa’s planned Space Launch System for future manned flights into deep space and also working on a reusable space capsule to the International Space Station.

Full Content: Financial Times & Space

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