UK To Probe Amazon’s $1.7B Takeover Of Roomba

The purchase of iRobot by Amazon is under investigation by British antitrust regulators, and the deal is receiving additional scrutiny due to its value of $1.7 billion.

The Competition and Markets Authority announced on Thursday that it is evaluating the potential impact of the deal on competition within the United Kingdom. As a first step, the regulatory body is soliciting feedback on the matter from all interested parties.

The acquisition is currently undergoing review by the Federal Trade Commission in the United States due to concerns over Amazon’s increasing market power. Consumer groups have expressed worries that the deal, announced last year, could strengthen the e-commerce giant’s hold on the smart home market.

Related: UK Probes Amazon & Microsoft Cloud Services

Amazon is cooperating with regulators during the merger review process.

iRobot, based in Bedford, Massachusetts, has stated that it is working together with various regulatory agencies, including the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, to review the merger between Amazon and iRobot.