UK: Opponents of Fox-Sky deal speak out at Houses of Parliament

A public meeting held at the British Parliament on Monday, November 20, heard former opposition leader Ed Miliband demand that 21st Century Fox’s (Fox) proposed takeover of Sky be blocked because of a catalog of alleged wrongdoing at Fox News and other Murdoch-owned news outlets. Miliband, answering a question from Variety, also dismissed as “blackmail” a warning from Sky that it might shut down Sky News if the takeover deal is thwarted.

Former and current employees of Fox News, Roger Ailes’ former protégé, and a lawyer representing a host of clients with grievances against the network gathered in London to detail their experiences of working for and against Fox. The public meeting, chaired by former Labour Party leader and vocal Murdoch critic Miliband, took place inside the Palace of Westminster and came as the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority continues its in-depth review of Fox’s proposed USz$15 billion takeover of Sky.

Fox was not officially represented at the meeting, and has denied many of the allegations made by speakers at the gathering, who included current Fox News anchor Kelly Wright, former Fox News Radio correspondent Jennifer Golloher, former Ailes associate Joe Lindsley and high-profile lawyer Douglas Wigdor.

Full Content: Hollywood Reporter

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