UK: Ofcom appoints new chief economist

British communications regulator Ofcom announced on Friday, August 3, that Dr Luisa Affuso has been appointed as its new Chief Economist.

Dr Affuso joins Ofcom from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), which she joined in 2012, and where she is currently a director in the economics group leading the Competition Economics team. In this role, she has advised on a number of high-profile competition policy matters, covering UK and international markets and including cases relevant to the sectors Ofcom regulates.

Before joining PwC, Dr Affuso consulted for a range of organizations including economic consultancies, the World Bank, and the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development. Previously she was an academic, working at the University of Cambridge and London Business School.

Dr Affuso has an MSc and PhD in Economics from the University of Warwick, and a postgraduate diploma in European Competition Law from King’s College London.

She will start at Ofcom on October 8, and will replace Ofcom’s current Chief Economist Peter Culham, who is retiring.

Full Content: Global Competition Review

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