UK: Gov asks for views on digital economy

An independent panel of experts—led by former Obama advisor Professor Jason Furman—on Friday, October 12, launched a call for evidence as they look at competition in the digital sector.

The review is investigating the UK’s competition regime in the context of the digital economy. It is examining how this affects consumers, and the impact of competition policy on the UK’s growth, productivity, wages, and labor markets.

Professor Furman, said, “We want to hear from people of all ages, businesses of all sizes, and experts from all fields, to help inform our review so we can ensure all parts of society benefit from the technologies of the future.” He continued, “Digital markets have produced significant consumer benefits and we are focusing on how to ensure that remains the case, while fostering competition and boosting the economy.”

The panel started its work in September and will publish in early 2019 a final report of recommendations. Over the course of the review, the panel is meeting with a wide range of academics, businesses and representative groups.

Full Content: Gov UK
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