The new trend of network distribution and a reconsideration of copyright protection

Dec 18, 2012

CPI Asia Column edited by Vanessa Yanhua Zhang (Global Economics Group) presents:

The new trend of network distribution and a reconsideration of copyright protection by Jason Si (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, IP Institute Doctoral Candidate, Director of Tencent Legal Department)

Abstract: In recent years, the market for digital content on the Internet has developed at a tremendous pace: Music, videos, and articles have all increased their online presence at fast rates. While advances in Internet distribution technology have brought about great benefits, they have at the same time also created a great number of copyright disputes. This article aims to analyze and explain new technologies and business models and the relevant legal challenges through changes in the methods of distribution and consumption of copyrighted content…

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The new trend of network distribution and a reconsideration of copyright protection