The International Competition Network Cartel Working Group – Past, Present and Future

Marcus Bezzi, Jozsef Sarai, Jul 14, 2011

The trend towards globalized economies and the increasingly global nature of product and service markets, perhaps unsurprisingly, has also led to cross-border and global-cartel activity. At its 3rd Annual Conference, as a response to this development, the International Competition Network (“ICN”) decided to establish a new working group to organize the ICN’s anti‘cartel enforcement activities in a way that would provide competition agencies with a much greater capacity to provide a coordinated response to globalized cartel activity.

The ICN Cartel Working Group (“CWG”) began its operation in 2004‘2005. The CWG’s current mandate is to:

“address the challenges of anti-cartel enforcement, including the prevention, detection, investigation and punishment of cartel conduct, both domestically and internationally, across the entire range of ICN members with differing levels of experience and resources. At the heart of antitrust enforcement is the battle against hardcore cartels directed at price fixing, bid rigging, market allocation and output restriction.”