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The New Tentacle of EU Competition Law: Tools to Control Foreign-Subsidised Acquisitions and Market Distortions

The New Tentacle of EU Competition Law: Tools to Control Foreign-Subsidised...

We live in a world where the boundaries of antitrust seem to be ever expanding. Antitrust is both a sponge, absorbing up new ideas...
Paper with glasses

Foreign Subsidies Regulation: Making Sense of the Commission’s New White Paper

By Thomas Weck & Philipp Reinhold (Monopolies Commission)1   On June 17, 2020, the EU Commission published a new White Paper on the regulation of foreign...

No Restitutionary Remedy for the Victims of the Vitamins Cartel: The...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Stephen Wisking, Nov 29, 2008 The Court of Appeal's decision makes is clear that...

The Regional Competition Center for Latin America Presents: White Paper on...

Alexander Elbittar, Michael Salinger, Apr 11, 2013 The Regional Competition Center for Latin America Presents: White Paper on Vertical Restraints - Michael A....

The Great Reformer: Mario Monti’s Legacy in Article 81 and Cartel...

Margaret Bloom, Apr 01, 2005 Commissioner Mario Monti’s achievements in relation to Article 81 of the EC Treaty include three are major reforms: (1) the...

Collective Redress Proposals for Europe: Seeking a Solution to a Non-Existent...

Luke Tolaini, Samantha Ward, Apr 29, 2011 The European Commission's public consultation on collective redress is the latest in a series of attempts at legislating for...

EU Proposals on Collective Redress – Lost in Consultation?

Andrew Jeffries, Apr 29, 2011 The European Commission launched in February 2011 another consultation on proposals for collective redress. This is open to April 30,...

Europe’s Long March Towards Antitrust Damages Actions

Robert O'Donoghue, Apr 29, 2011 The rather long and bumpy road towards a minimum level of harmonization of substantive rules and procedures for class actions...

Commission Guidance Paper on the Application of Art. 82: A Step...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle George Zohios, Feb 05, 2009 While recognizing the need for a general reform of...

From the Editor: Autumn 2008

Over 90 percent of antitrust litigation in the United States is filed by private plaintiffs, sometimes as class actions, and always seeking treble damages....
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