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Tag: White House

The White House

Damn the Economics, Full Speed Ahead!

By: Alden Abbott (Truth On The Market) A White House administration typically announces major new antitrust initiatives in the fall and spring, and this year...
The White House

US White House Calls For Tighter Crypto Controls

The US White House is looking to rein in crypto. It’s hard not to come to that conclusion when looking over the trio of...
Big Tech

White House Outlined 6 Principles To Reform Big Tech Platforms

The White House outlined six principles to reform Big Tech platforms and said it was encouraged to see bipartisan interest in Congress to rein...
The White House

White House Holding Roundtable On Big Tech Regulations

The White House on Thursday is holding a roundtable meeting on a number of technology issues hearing from experts on antitrust, privacy, algorithmic discrimination...
The White House

White House To Lower Regulations On Hearing Aids, To Promote Competition

The White House has zeroed in on hearing aids as part of a broad campaign to lower consumer prices by boosting competition, a push...

White House Encouraged By Judge’s Decision Not To Dismiss Facebook Case

On Wednesday, January 13, the White House stated it was encouraged by a US judge's decision not to dismiss the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC)...

White House Will Work With Big Tech On New Cybersecurity Guidelines

The US government on Wednesday said it would work with industry to hammer out new guidelines to improve the security of the technology supply...
The White House

White House Reportedly Working On Executive Order On Antitrust

The White House is said to be developing an executive order that will ask government agencies to consider antitrust concerns in decision making, Reuters...

White House Turns To Silicon Valley For Vaccine Aid

US President Joe Biden’s administration is considering a new approach as it struggles with a messy vaccine rollout, setting aside his harsh criticisms of...

US: Google’s meetings last week lead to House testimony

Google CEO Sundar Pichai met on Friday, September 28, with White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow, White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said, and the...
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