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Tag: Whistle-Blowing

Cut the Knot

Don’t Slice the Gordian Knot: Untangling Privilege Protection for Leniency...

By Amanda L. Butler & Robert B. Bell (Hughes Hubbard & Reed)1 A cartel participant that blows the whistle to the Antitrust Division can...

How To Catch A Thief — Corporate Leniency And The Irrepressible...

Rick Dumas-Eymard, Gordon Schnell, Sep 27, 2011 Perhaps it can be traced back to 1879, when Eugen Richter, a member of the German Parliament, stood...

Detection and Compliance in Cartel Policy

Daniel Sokol, Sep 28, 2011 In the past few years, companies around the world have spent an increasing amount of resources addressing issues broadly classified...
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