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Tag: Welfare


Revealed Preference and Welfare Considerations in Online Advertising Markets

We consider how textbook economic techniques should be applied in online advertising markets. We argue that the necessary conditions for revealed preference theory fail...

The Slogans and Goals of Antitrust Law

By Herbert Hovenkamp (University of Pennsylvania) This is a comparative and historical examination of the slogans and goals most advocated for antitrust law today –...

Procompetitive Justifications

Posted by Social Science Research Network Procompetitive Justifications By John M. Newman (University of Memphis) Abstract:     The rule of reason has come to dominate modern antitrust...

The Social Contract at the Basis of Competition Law

Posted by Social Science Research Network The Social Contract at the Basis of Competition Law By Michal S. Gal (University of Haifa) Abstract:     Competition law constitutes...

CPI 3(2)

From the Editor Richard Schmalensee, Nov 05, 2007 From the Editor: Autumn 2007 Our Autumn 2007 issue of Competition Policy International features a truly international collection of...

CPI 2(2)

State Efforts to Assist Competitors Maureen Ohlhausen, Nov 01, 2006 Identifying, Challenging, and Assigning Political Responsibility for State Regulation Restricting Competition This paper examines the role of...

Monopoly and Resource Allocation

Arnold Harberger, Arnold Harberger, Nov 01, 2009 This classic 1954 article broke with the then-current economic orthodoxy and set monopoly research on a path that...

No Single Monopoly Profit, No Single Policy Prescription?

Harry First, Nov 01, 2009 Professor Einer Elhauge´s most recent article, Tying, Bundled Discounts, and the Death of the Single Monopoly Profit Theory, begins with...

Injecting Innovation into The Rule of Reason: A Comment on Evans...

Richard Gilbert, Nov 01, 2008 The Evans and Hylton paper on The Lawful Acquisition and Exercise of Monopoly Power and its Implications for the Objectives...

Consumer Surplus as the Appropriate Standard for Antitrust Enforcement

Russ Pittman, Nov 05, 2007 In antitrust enforcement, in the context of cost-benefit analysis, neoclassical economics may be interpreted as arguing for the use of...
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