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UK Watchdog Sends Letter To Big Four Outlining ‘Operational Separation

Britain’s audit watchdog has asked the top seven accountancy firms to press ahead with separating the running of their audit and consultancy services without...

UK: Regulators’ data violations fines top $126.5M

Regulators in the UK have levied €114 million ($126 million) in fines for data violations since instituting new stronger privacy mandates in mid-2018, The Financial...

UK: Antitrust regulator approves pension fund management standards

Pension funds will be able to compare the performance of fiduciary managers for the first time after the UK’s antitrust regulator signed off new...

Reino Unido: Regulador de telecomunicaciones Ofcom pierde a su directora

Sharon White renunciará como jefa del regulador de medios británico Ofcom. White se unió Ofcom, formalmente conocido como la Oficina de Comunicaciones, en 2015. Durante...
Changing Times? The Outlook For Antitrust Enforcement In The EU And The U.S.

Changing Times? The Outlook For Antitrust Enforcement In The EU And...

By Rachel Brandenburger, Logan Breed, Helen Bignall & Paul Castlo - This article considers the outlook for antitrust enforcement in the EU and the U.S....
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