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Tag: Tying

Tying, Exclusivity, and Standard-Essential Patents

Posted by Social Science Research Network Tying, Exclusivity, and Standard-Essential Patents By Erik Hovenkamp (Harvard Law School) Abstract:      When a technological standard is adopted, implementers...

Antitrust and the Design of Production

Posted by Social Science Research Network Antitrust and the Design of Production By Herbert J. Hovenkamp (University of Pennsylvania) Abstract:      Both economics and antitrust policy...

Tying and Bundling Involving Standard-Essential Patents

Posted by Social Science Research Network Tying and Bundling Involving Standard-Essential Patents By Koren W. Wong-Ervin, Evan Hicks & Ariel Slonim (George Mason University) Abstract:  Competition agencies...


In our Autumn 2012 Journal, we present a Symposium on Tying, a Colloquium on Media Plurality, and a special article on the risks of...

CPI 5(2)

This Autumn 2009 issue marks several anniversaries; it is the tenth volume of CPI, the end of our fifth year, and the last issue...

Jan-07(1) & (2)

In this issue: Illinois Tool Works Joshua Wright, Jan 25, 2007 Illinois Tool Works v. Independent Ink While the Court's rejection of the patent presumption in...

Dec-06(1) & (2)

In this issue: Bundled Rebates and Exclusive Dealing: Recent Testimony before the FTC/DOJ Joshua Wright, Nov 17, 2006 Testimony on Exclusive Dealing for the DOJ/FTC...

Nov-06(1) & (2)

In this issue: The Use of Economics in Tying Law David Evans, Christian Ahlborn, Jorge Padilla, Michael Salinger, Nov 03, 2006 The Law and Economics of Tying This...

For A Rigorous “Effects-Based” Analysis Of Vertical Restraints Adopted By Dominant...

Damien Geradin, Caio Mario da Silva Pereira Neto, Jul 28, 2013 his short paper summarizes the main findings of a comprehensive study the authors conducted...

Antitrust and Nonexcluding Ties

Herbert Hovenkamp, Dec 20, 2012 Notwithstanding hundreds of court decisions and scholarly articles, tying arrangements remain enigmatic. Conclusions that go to either extreme, per se...
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