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Tag: Two-Sided Platforms

Two-Sided Telecom Markets and the Unintended Consequences of Business Strategy

Leonard Waverman, Apr 19, 2007 A two-sided market is one where two different parties are connected to each other through a third-party platform. Examples are...

Are Media Markets Analyzed as Two-Sided Markets?

John Wotton, Apr 19, 2007 This paper sets out to describe how, in practice, the U.K. competition authorities analyze competition in those markets in the...

Antitrust and Real Estate: A Two-Sided Approach

Thomas Brown, Kevin L. Yingling, Apr 19, 2007 When John Jacob Astor died in 1848, he was the wealthiest man in the United States. Like...

Predatory Pricing in Two-Sided Markets: A Brief Comment

Amelia Fletcher, Apr 19, 2007 Over the past few years, there has been a burgeoning literature on two-sided markets and economic understanding of such markets...

The Two-Sided Market Literature Enriches Traditional Antitrust Analysis

David Park, William Rooney, Apr 19, 2007 The term two-sided market sounds strange to the antitrust lawyer´s ear. Antitrust markets typically are not described as...

The Empirics of Antitrust in Two-Sided Markets

Marc Rysman, Apr 19, 2007 Recent theoretical research on the implications of two-sided markets is gaining recognition for its implications in antitrust. However, the role...

The Industrial Organization of Markets with Two-Sided Platforms

David Evans, Richard Schmalensee, Apr 19, 2007 Many diverse industries are populated by businesses that operate "two-sided platforms." These businesses serve distinct groups of customers...
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