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Tag: Two-Sided Platforms

Both Sides Now: A Brief Reflection on the Two-Sided Market Debate

James Musgrove, Jun 13, 2013 At the 2013 American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law Spring Meeting I had the honor to chair a session...

Should Multisided Markets Receive This Much Attention?

Owen Kendler, Jun 13, 2013 The antitrust community talks perennially about multisided or two-sided markets. At first glance, this attention may appear misplaced. The courts...

The Antitrust Economics of Free

David Evans, May 20, 2011 This article examines antitrust analysis when one of the possible subject products of an antitrust or merger is ordinarily offered...

Emergence of Global Search Engines: Trends in History and Competition

Manish Agarwal, David Round, May 20, 2011 The web search market is an example of a two-sided market where internet users account for one side and...

Jeffrey Rohlfs’ 1974 Model of Facebook: An Introduction and Reprint

Richard Schmalensee, May 17, 2011 Jeffrey Rohlfs' pioneering 1974 study of demand in the presence of network externalities, which make each actor's demand for some good...

How Many Markets are Two-Sided?

Lapo Filistrucchi, Jan 07, 2011 There is a lot of talk nowadays, among competition policy practitioners, about two-sided markets and two-sided platforms. It is indeed...

How Many Markets are Two-Sided?

Lapo Filistrucchi, Jul 27, 2010 There is a lot of talk nowadays, among competition policy practitioners, about two-sided markets and two-sided platforms. It is indeed...

Competition and Innovation: A Non-Zero Sum Approach to Economic Growth

Shanker Singham, Jan 26, 2010 Consumer welfare, which should be the guiding principle of competition policy implementation, is often mistaken for consumer protection.Whereas consumer protection...

The Middle Way on Applying Antitrust to Information Technology

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle David Evans, Nov 25, 2009 Antitrust analysis ought to account for special features of...

Multiple Listing Arrangements in Residential Real Estate Transactions: An Antitrust Analysis

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Richard Epstein, Jul 10, 2008 Let me start this short paper on the antitrust...
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