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US: Google won’t send its CEO to testify

Executives from three major tech companies are due to appear before Congress next Wednesday to talk about their role in protecting the integrity of...

US: Senator drops new policy proposals for regulating tech

The team at Facebook is not having a great week, as it seems all of its recent data scandal chickens have come home to...

US: Twitter considers ad ban on cryptos

Twitter looks to be following in Facebook and Google’s footsteps as it prepares to prohibit cryptocurrency ads on its site. According to Sky News, the...

UK: Regulator steps up campaign against price-fixing cartels

According to The Telegraph, the UK’s competition watchdog is launching a crackdown on cartels after the success of its first advertising campaign led to a...

US: Facebook, Google, Twitter execs to testify at Russia hearings

Executives from Facebook, Google, and Twitter have been asked to testify to the United States Congress as lawmakers continue to investigate Russia’s alleged interference...
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