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Tag: Turkish Competition Authority

Commitment Decisions: An Overview of the Turkish Competition Authority’s Enforcement

Commitment Decisions: An Overview of the Turkish Competition Authority’s Enforcement

By Neyzar Ünübol1   In June of 2020, a new commitment procedure was first introduced to Turkish legislation as part of Law No. 4054 on the...

Deputy Division Head Of Turkish Regulator Joins ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys

The deputy head of the Supervision and Enforcement Department-I of the Turkish Competition Authority has joined ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law. Ms. Ince has a bachelor's degree...

Turkey Fines Five Insurance Companies

The Turkish Competition Authority has fined five insurance companies for violating competition law following an investigation, the watchdog announced on Tuesday, January 28.  Allianz Sigorta,...

Turkey: Competition board fines Booking.com

The Turkish Competition Board recently published a short-form decision concluding that Booking.com B.V. had breached Article 4 of Law on Protection of Competition Number...

New Developments in Merger Control in Turkey

Sinan Bozkus, Bekir Kocabas, May 29, 2012 Turkish merger control regime has undergone a fundamental reform with the entrance of the new "Communiqué Concerning the...

A Current Highlight on Merger Remedies in Turkish Competition Law: Vatan...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Demet Kaya, Jun 13, 2009 The Act on the Protection of Competition (henceforth Turkish...

Recent Developments in the Enforcement of Turkish Competition Law: Fines and...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Jun 12, 2009 In February 2008, an amendment in "The Act on the Protection...
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